Friday, August 21, 2015

Dorm Picture Wall!

I Just moved into my dorm! Well like two days ago, but still.
I decided to make a photo wall and here's how it turned out!
The middle picture is a picture I took of Chicago and the colored sides are make of paint swatches. The picture on the right is a picture I painted of Illinois with the Chicago skyline in the middle (I made a blog post on it a while ago). The picture on the left is a nail and string art I made awhile ago. I printed out a couple of picture of my friends and family and used washi tape to tape them up.
Overall I love the way this turned out!
Squad Out-Caroline

Sunday, August 16, 2015


I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! I've been so busy with travel (went up to Michigan for a few days to visit family) and when I got back it was all about college and dorm shopping!
Guys, I go to college in two days, that's crazy soon! I'm so excited to start this new chapter in my life and can only hope that it brings even more fun times!
Today was the day when my friend group started leaving. All of my friends went over to my one friends house for breakfast because she was leaving today :'( As I was leaving her house, I was just thinking about how when we all meet back up together over Thanksgiving our lives will be totally different. There will be new friends to talk about, all the different classes we've taken, and just new life experiences we have learned so far. But lets be honest, we will all be like "Remember when..." We will just hop right back where we left off, like we were never apart. 
But, as you leave, you have to remember, there are going to be a lot of new people to meet, new experiences to be had, and time to grow. Just this afternoon I started texting my roommate. Let's be honest, when I first found out who my roommate was going to be I was nervous. I was thinking, what if we don't get along, what if she snores at night. But thenI took a step back and thought, I don't have to become best friends with my roommate. If I do that'd be awesome, but I'll also meet so many amazing new people along with her.
Below are some pictures from the highlights of my summer!

All in all I am super excited to start this new journey and can't wait to see where I'll go from here!
Squad Out - Caroline